Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where is that monogram card?!

Where, oh where is that card I promised I’d post? I had it out at my scrapbooking workshop last weekend and I must not have put it back where it belongs. I hate when I do that! I’m working on being more organized, but obviously I’m not there yet!

In lieu of the “missing card”, I am sharing with you a card that I made at a technique class a few months ago. The technique is called burnishing and I think it gives this card a calming, dreamy look. I’m not sure the photo captures that, so you’ll just have to trust me on this one! You stamp your image first and then apply the burnishing by using daubers.

I’ve got lots of packing, getting organized and running errands in store for the next couple of days, not to mention working! So, I need to get busy.

Mom and dad, we can’t wait to see you!

1 comment:

Julie B. said...

Love the card and your new blog.

Do tell how to do the burnishing with daubers, though!

I'll be watching for it.

Julie B.